Hi everyone!
The LG class is off to a great start. We have 56 participants, and are teaching two separate classes. All our our students are very excited to be there, even though some of them have been working as lifeguards (without certifications) for years. Drew and I both feel that they are learning a lot of new information that will surely be put to good use and save countless lives. The local newspapers have also taken a big interest in our work as well! Yesterday there were close to 10 articles published in different papers about the class we are teaching.
Our teaching days start very early (630 am), and we usually get back to our hotel at 7pm! Our partner Yubraj takes us to lunch everyday. Yesterday he took us to a traditional Nepali lunch of dal bhat. It was Drew's first experience with the local fare, and he ate with his hands and made a big mess of his plate. The food was tasty though!
Speaking of food....Yubraj and the Nepal Swimming Association are making sure we never go hungary. We have more tea breaks than we can count and we also have cute box breakfasts and afternoon snacks.
Check out these pictures from our class and the newspaper!! We hope you like them!