Monday, January 5, 2009

It's different but it doesn't make a difference

Thank you to all who sent me off with such sweet words, it warmed my heart like a hug. When I am going to bed I think of Tucson getting up, and when I am waking up I think of Tucson getting tucked in.Time feels longer, I'm enjoying these weeks that take forever. So far we've traveled to three different places in India and tasted all range of flavors, not only in food, but in a figurative since as well . So much is always happening, I'm glad to have the vitality of being 17 (almost 18!) Even when I am doing as little as watching the red Indian sun rise above a still sleeping city, my eyes are busy capturing the beauty that is always present in this country.

My heart flutters when i think of all the kind people I have encountered in India so far. I talked to the man i sat next to on the plane for the majority of our nine hour fight from London to Chennai about the deceptive nature of the mind. We arrived in Chennai during the dead of night, unsuspecting of the craziness of the next morning. Chennai was a city exclusive to itself, I don't think like anything else in this world. It is ten times the size of Tucson with 100 times the street bustle. I think the only reason those people survive is because of the serene refuge of the rooftops, were I spent many sunset hours enjoying the peace and quiet of the muted city. As good as I admit Chennai was, we were all relieved to travel to Mammallapuram, where we could relax and breathe clean air for the first time since arrival. Mammallapuram is a lot like Sedona, a small town with good people in a shopping splendor. Madurai is a happy balance between Chennai and Mammallapuram; a big city with the beautiful sites of a small town, and a place were I look forward to staying for the duration of my time teaching with Swim India.

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