Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lots of Pictures!

Our trip is quickly coming to an end and we are sad to be leaving. On multiple occasions while talking to street vendors and other locals telling them what they do, they have asked us to teach them! We wish that we had more time to stay here teaching everyone. Take a look at the pictures of some of our lessons and some of our down time.

Teaching the boat guides CPR in Phewa Lake, Pokhara
Self rescue in Phewa Lake, Pokhara
Reach assist
140 students...not intimidating

Kelsey teaching water safety at the Penguin Swimming Pool (a school), complete with Penguin Slide.


Throw assists

more CPR
Local kids on the streets of Pokhara
Ben is still making friends with the locals
Motor bikes!
160 meters...


  1. Great pictures Corey. How was the 160m drop?

  2. The drop was INSANE! I'll show you the video when I get home. See you Sunday!
