Friday, January 1, 2010

Ernakulam update!

Hey guys, it's Hannah. So we, in the Ernakulam group, got so fortunate yesterday. We took the ferry over to Fort Kochin and spent the day over there. We got to see the New Years parade--which was amazing. It included music, dancing, an elephant (!!!!!) people dressed up like the gods and tons of locals coming out! We also got to see a snake charmer on the side of the road. Simultaneously one of the coolest and scariest things I have ever seen in my entire life. We also got to help the fishermen pull their nets out of the bay. Those things are so rad. The island is so beautiful and the people are so friendly. I got to use some of my Hindi skills with a little boy in the park!! I was surprised that he spoke Hindi and not Malaylum (but also thankful because I cannot pronounce those Malaylum words to save my life). The city of Ernakulam itself is really cool too. We went to the mall yesterday (which is not like a mall in the US... at all.) And we also just explored a little. It's pretty busy, but much more laid back than Bangalore.
It's insane how different it is here. Just everything, buildings, streets, traffic, dress, cultural norms. Just literally everything. It's so weird, people on the island were like taking pictures of us and wanted to take pictures with us. Definitely never experienced something like that before. I can't wait to start teaching--the kids here are so precious. I already found my Indian son yesterday at the parade. ;) But really, I can't wait. I'm excited we get to teach the boat operators oceanside, too. That will be such an adventure.
Well just a little update. We took a stroll while everyone was napping in the room. And I think we are going to see a Bollywood movie today!

Oh ps, everything is so lush and green... Not like Arizona at all. <3!

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