Friday, December 31, 2010

A Monkey Temple Day in Nepal

Greetings All,
Today marked a trip to the Monkey Temple. I never imagined such beauty in my life. What I thought would be a trip to the zoo was perhaps the most eye-opening place of wonder, and perhaps the most difficult tourist attraction that one could ever access--definitely not for the weak-at-heart or those out of shape. A gradual but steepening uphill climb which ends in the longest, steepest 45 degree plus staircase one could imagine, the monkey temple sits high on a hilltop overlooking the Kathmandu valley. Upon nearing the top, the name says it all--monkeys all over the place, and I am not talking about just a few--try a few hundred, or more. Quite amuzing creatures, these monkeys are a sight to behold. Try too hard to get a snapshot, and they are very shy--patience is a virtue for a real photographer here. Try to get too close, and get attacked, as Nick (Victor) found out! An absolutely hilarious action photo of Nick's encounter will follow via Nicole's quick (and lucky) photography. Fortunately, the monkey didn't kill Nick, but only gave him a haircut--don't worry for those concerned, no skin broken!
Our other in-counrty partner, Deepak, was our tour guide to the temple--again, the friendliness and hospitality of our in-country partners becomes quite evident.
Only part of the day was spent sightseeing, however. The other part was spent prepaing for teaching. Nicole is an excellent leader, and I am fortunate to be a co-leader at her side. She has a tremendous amount of experience with the teachings, and knows (through trial and error) what works best on this side of the world. Her knowledge will prove invaluable as we now begin teaching--again, what we came here to do, and what we all look forward to the most. Happy new year to all!
Paul Bosseler

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